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Thursday, April 30, 2009

uin's second order !!!!!


this order was placed by uin after about an hour i delivered her first order. hurmm..sedap kan?.. and she requested for semi sweet choc breadspread...bisa di atur uin...!!!

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

single choco gift

-click to enlarge the picture

box size:6cmX6cm
Color:blue black & yellow
Price:rm1.80 (withribbon)-minimum order 50pcs.

this lovely yet economic gift box is very suitable for any events e.g majlis berzanji,majlis khatam al-Quran,wedding favor,birthday party and etc.

i luv ya...mak..mama..ibu..mommy..amma!!

this is our new promo in conjunction with this coming Momma's day..
any purchased of our gift set (except for box for 1pc & 2pcs) will be accompanied by this lovely red heart luvyaluvya!!... limited to the 1st 10 customers hurry!!

**or else u can also give this lovely set to ur loved one...boyfren,galfren, or bestfren....

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

for her sista's birthday

our lovely customer bought this gift set as a pressie for her sis' 38th birthday...Selamat Ultah ya!!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Mencari Yang Halal Adalah Fardhu Bagi Setiap Muslim

COKLAT Semua coklat yang diimport dari luar negara mengandungi lemak babi atau pun sekurang-kurangnya mengandungi lemak binatang yang amat diragui. Sekiranya pada luar bungkusan pek coklat ada menunjukkan kod produk, KOD 164 disahkan mengandungi lemak babi. (sumber: )

Di dalam Tasawwuf diajari bahawa makanan itu menempa hati. Oleh itu berniaga makanan yang halal dan suci di sisi Islam mestilah menjadi keutamaan.
Dari situ lahirlah perniagaan makanan Islam. Kalau pengeluaran makanan selama ini hanya dilakukan oleh orang bukan Islam dan tidak ada walau seorang pun pengeluar dan peniaga beragama Islam yang mengeluarkan dan berniaga makanan halal, maka tindakan mengeluar dan berniaga makanan halal itu adalah merupakan fardhu kifayah. (sumber : IDMP USM)

for twin tower people...njoy!!

BLACK n White

these exclusively for my sis' small gathering...

Thursday, April 16, 2009

re-post: due to high demand!

kokoa&frens - homemade halal hazelnut choco bread spread 250g hanya rm7.50
Kami re-post semula choco bread spread due to ramai yg bertanya apakah bread spread ni dan dlm tak tahu apakah ia tp still jugak ramai yg meng order. thanks for their curiousity. Heheh..ini lah b/fast fav suami dan jugak adik lelakiku (dah nk kawin pun dia july ni..sob..sob..)Bread spread ni memang la amat lazat walaupun di makan dgn biskut kering..nyumnyum...dan bahan asasnya adalah real chocolate tau!!
Thanks to all for the support!!

Plastic Container

Salam & good day!
Oleh kerana ramai yg bertanya plastic container mcm mana,so kami sertakan gambar2 contoh plastic container utk choc.
Nurul A.

from us with love

order from kak zura,dhl cyberjaya.enjoy the chocs!! :)
27pcs (rm29.70)

Friday, April 10, 2009

my bro's engagement's hantaran

huhuhu...actually he was engaged on the 7th last hari ni baru teringat nk tempek pic nya...

theme color utk hantaran adalah pink+white (merah susu !!) and all 7 hantarans were produced by me and i used fresh pink and white flowers as compliment...(produced ke?.need to check with my bro philip on my poor vocab...hehheh...)

pink+white theme for hantaran

Sweet kan combination pink and best fren mila,ordered 4 set of gift set choc (4pcs in each box) for her fren's wedding..mayb utk buat as mila's fren,Selamat Pengantin Baru! .Thanks to mila yg mmg menjadi pelanggan setia kokoa&frens..:)


door gift for weddings or any special occasions...

Are you looking for ur wedding's door gift (or maybe for ur frens' or sis' ?) or for any special occasions..e.g warming..etc...
each box contains 2 pcs of sinful delicious may contact us for the price quotation (minimum 50 boxes to get our special price) :)


Choco - Birthday gift

order from Ms Ros from Eon Bank HQ. Ros ordered these 2 gift set (16pcs in box RM27.60 + 2pcs in golden plastic box RM3.00) ni utk birthday ibunya,so sweet kan :) ...Happy birthday auntie,semoga Allah merahmatimu,aminnn!


Tuesday, April 7, 2009


Assalammu'alaikum and good day.
Dah lama tuan rumah tak update blog ni due to busy dgn order2 and also hal2 lain yang perlu diselesaikan.Kepada yg meng'email', thanks for ur order and sorry for those yg lambat dpt reply dari kokoa&frens.Will try to speed up our service once hal2 lain dah setel dgn selamatnyer....yeayyy!!!!

Sebenarnya banyak lagi gambar2 yang akan diupload utk tatapan semua...kokoa&frens juga akan memperkenalkan service terbaru kami iaitu package hamper (gift basket from kokoa&frens) and also service gubahan hantaran by kokoa&frens .so tunggu yer! :)

::Nurul A::


for class reservation pls sms me at 012-6669653/019-3935071

Venue: My lil' mansion, Serdang Villa (behind TPM Bukit Jalil)
Time: 10am till done...
Fee: RM 250

We will teach u how to make your own choc without expensive tools and air-cond room. And we will reveal everything for you to start your choc biz.

you also will be provided with notes, refreshment and also chocolate that you have made on your own on that day. We also will give away a special pressie to each students...(suprise...!!!)